.. _customizing: .. currentmodule:: flask.ext.restless Customizing the ReSTful interface ================================= HTTP methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method creates a read-only interface; requests with HTTP methods other than :http:method:`GET` will cause a response with :http:statuscode:`405`. To explicitly specify which methods should be allowed for the endpoint, pass a list as the value of keyword argument ``methods``:: apimanager.create_api(Person, methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE']) This creates an endpoint at ``/api/person`` which responds to :http:method:`get`, :http:method:`post`, and :http:method:`delete` methods, but not to other ones like :http:method:`put` or :http:method:`patch`. The recognized HTTP methods and their semantics are described below (assuming you have created an API for an entity ``Person``). All endpoints which respond with data respond with serialized JSON strings. .. http:get:: /api/person Returns a list of all ``Person`` instances. .. http:get:: /api/person/(int:id) Returns a single ``Person`` instance with the given ``id``. .. http:get:: /api/person?q= Returns a list of all ``Person`` instances which match the search query specified in the query parameter ``q``. For more information on searching, see :ref:`searchformat`. .. http:delete:: /api/person/(int:id) Deletes the person with the given ``id`` and returns :http:statuscode:`204`. .. http:post:: /api/person Creates a new person in the database and returns its ``id``. The initial attributes of the ``Person`` are read as JSON from the body of the request. For information about the format of this request, see :ref:`requestformat`. .. http:patch:: /api/person/(int:id) Updates the attributes of the ``Person`` with the given ``id``. The attributes are read as JSON from the body of the request. For information about the format of this request, see :ref:`requestformat`. .. http:patch:: /api/person This is only available if the ``allow_patch_many`` keyword argument is set to ``True`` when calling the :meth:`~APIManager.create_api` method. For more information, see :ref:`allowpatchmany`. Updates the attributes of all ``Person`` instances. The attributes are read as JSON from the body of the request. For information about the format of this request, see :ref:`requestformat`. .. http:put:: /api/person .. http:put:: /api/person/(int:id) Aliases for :http:patch:`/api/person` and :http:patch:`/api/person/(int:id)`. API prefix ~~~~~~~~~~ To create an API at a different prefix, use the ``url_prefix`` keyword argument:: apimanager.create_api(Person, url_prefix='/api/v2') Then your API for ``Person`` will be available at ``/api/v2/person``. Collection name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, the name of the collection which appears in the URLs of the API will be the name of the table which backs your model. If your model is a SQLAlchemy model, this will be the value of ``__tablename__``. If your model is a Flask-SQLAlchemy model, this will be the lowercase name of the model with ``CamelCase`` changed to ``camel_case``. To provide a different name for the model, provide a string to the `collection_name` keyword argument of the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method:: apimanager.create_api(Person, collection_name='people') Then the API will be exposed at ``/api/people`` instead of ``/api/person``. Specifying one of many primary keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your model has more than one primary key (one called ``id`` and one called ``username``, for example), you should specify the one to use:: manager.create_api(User, primary_key='username') If you do this, Flask-Restless will create URLs like ``/api/user/myusername`` instead of ``/api/user/137``. .. _allowpatchmany: Enable patching all instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, a :http:patch:`/api/person` request (note the missing ID) will cause a :http:statuscode:`405` response. By setting the ``allow_patch_many`` keyword argument of the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method to be ``True``, :http:patch:`/api/person` requests will patch the provided attributes on all instances of ``Person``:: apimanager.create_api(Person, methods=['PATCH'], allow_patch_many=True) .. _validation: Capturing validation errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, no validation is performed by Flask-Restless; if you want validation, implement it yourself in your database models. However, by specifying a list of exceptions raised by your backend on validation errors, Flask-Restless will forward messages from raised exceptions to the client in an error response. A reasonable validation framework you might use for this purpose is `SQLAlchemy Validation `_. You can also use the :func:`~sqlalchemy.orm.validates` decorator that comes with SQLAlchemy. For example, if your validation framework includes an exception called ``ValidationError``, then call the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method with the ``validation_exceptions`` keyword argument:: from cool_validation_framework import ValidationError apimanager.create_api(Person, validation_exceptions=[ValidationError]) .. note:: Currently, Flask-Restless expects that an instance of a specified validation error will have a ``errors`` attribute, which is a dictionary mapping field name to error description (note: one error per field). If you have a better, more general solution to this problem, please visit `our issue tracker `_. Now when you make :http:method:`post` and :http:method:`patch` requests with invalid fields, the JSON response will look like this: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "validation_errors": { "age": "Must be an integer", } } Currently, Flask-Restless can only forward one exception at a time to the client. Exposing evaluation of SQL functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the ``allow_functions`` keyword argument is set to ``True`` when creating an API for a model using :meth:`APIManager.create_api`, then an endpoint will be made available for :http:get:`/api/eval/person` which responds to requests for evaluation of functions on all instances the model. For information about the request and response formats for this endpoint, see :ref:`functionevaluation`. .. _includes: Specifying which columns are provided in responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, all columns of your model will be exposed by the API. If the ``include_columns`` keyword argument is an iterable of strings, *only* columns with those names (that is, the strings represent the names of attributes of the model which are ``Column`` objects) will be provided in JSON responses for :http:method:`get` requests. For example, if your models are defined like this (using Flask-SQLAlchemy):: class Person(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Unicode, unique=True) birth_date = db.Column(db.Date) computers = db.relationship('Computer') and you want your JSON responses to include only the values of the ``name`` and ``birth_date`` columns, create your API with the following arguments:: apimanager.create_api(Person, include_columns=['name', 'birth_date']) Now requests like :http:get:`/api/person/1` will return JSON objects which look like this: .. sourcecode:: javascript {"name": "Jeffrey", "birth_date": "1999-12-31"} The ``exclude_columns`` keyword argument works similarly; it forces your JSON responses to include only the columns *not* specified in ``exclude_columns``. For example:: apimanager.create_api(Person, exclude_columns=['name', 'birth_date']) will produce responses like: .. sourcecode:: javascript {"id": 1, "computers": [{"id": 1, "vendor": "Apple", "model": "MacBook"}]} In this example, the ``Person`` model has a one-to-many relationship with the ``Computer`` model. To specify which columns on the related models will be included or excluded, include a string of the form ``'.'``, where ```` is the name of the relationship attribute of the model and ```` is the name of the column on the related model which you want to be included or excluded. For example:: includes = ['name', 'birth_date', 'computers', 'computers.vendor'] apimanager.create_api(Person, include_columns=includes) will produce responses like: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "name": "Jeffrey", "birth_date": "1999-12-31", "computers": [{"vendor": "Apple"}] } An attempt to include a field on a related model without including the relationship field has no effect:: includes = ['name', 'birth_date', 'computers.vendor'] apimanager.create_api(Person, include_columns=includes) .. sourcecode:: javascript {"name": "Jeffrey", "birth_date": "1999-12-31"} To include the return value of an arbitrary method defined on a model, use the ``include_methods`` keyword argument. This argument must be an iterable of strings representing methods with no arguments (other than ``self``) defined on the model for which the API will be created:: class Person(Base): __tablename__ = 'person' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(Unicode) age = Column(Integer) def name_and_age(self): return "%s (aged %d)" % (self.name, self.age) include_methods = ['name_and_age'] manager.create_api(Person, include_methods=['name_and_age']) A response to a :http:method:`get` request will then look like this: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "id": 1, "name": "Paul McCartney", "age": 64, "name_and_age": "Paul McCartney (aged 64)" } .. _serverpagination: Server-side pagination ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To set the default number of results returned per page, use the ``results_per_page`` keyword argument to the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method. The default number of results per page is ten. The client can override the number of results per page by using a query parameter in its :http:method:`get` request; see :ref:`clientpagination`. To set the maximum number of results returned per page, use the ``max_results_per_page`` keyword argument. Even if ``results_per_page > max_results_per_page``, at most ``max_results_per_page`` will be returned. The same is true if the client specifies ``results_per_page`` as a query argument; ``max_results_per_page`` provides an upper bound. If ``max_results_per_page`` is set to anything but a positive integer, the client will be able to specify arbitrarily large page sizes. If, further, ``results_per_page`` is set to anything but a positive integer, pagination will be disabled by default, and any :http:method:`get` request which does not specify a page size in its query parameters will get a response with all matching results. .. attention:: Disabling pagination can result in large responses! For example, to set each page to include only two results:: apimanager.create_api(Person, results_per_page=2) Then a request to :http:get:`/api/person` will return a JSON object which looks like this: .. sourcecode:: javascript { "num_results": 6, "total_pages": 3, "page": 1, "objects": [ {"name": "Jeffrey", "id": 1}, {"name": "John", "id": 2} ] } For more information on using pagination in the client, see :ref:`clientpagination`. .. _processors: Request preprocessors and postprocessors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To apply a function to the request parameters and/or body before the request is processed, use the ``preprocessors`` keyword argument. To apply a function to the response data after the request is processed (immediately before the response is sent), use the ``postprocessors`` keyword argument. Both ``preprocessors`` and ``postprocessors`` must be a dictionary which maps HTTP method names as strings (with exceptions as described below) to a list of functions. The specified functions will be applied in the order given in the list. Since :http:method:`get` and :http:method:`patch` (and :http:method:`put`) requests can be made not only on individual instances of the model but also the entire collection of instances, you must separately specify which functions to apply in the individual case and which to apply in the collection case. For example:: # Define pre- and postprocessor functions as described below. def pre_get_single(**kw): pass def pre_get_many(**kw): pass def post_patch_many(**kw): pass def pre_delete(**kw): pass # Create an API for the Person model. manager.create_api(Person, # Allow GET, PATCH, and POST requests. methods=['GET', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'], # Allow PATCH requests modifying the whole collection. allow_patch_many=True, # A list of preprocessors for each method. preprocessors={ 'GET_SINGLE': [pre_get_single], 'GET_MANY': [pre_get_many], 'DELETE': [pre_delete] }, # A list of postprocessors for each method. postprocessors={ 'PATCH_MANY': [post_patch_many] } ) As introduced in the above example, the dictionary keys for the `preprocessors` and `postprocessors` can be one of the following strings: * ``'GET_SINGLE'`` for requests to get a single instance of the model. * ``'GET_MANY'`` for requests to get the entire collection of instances of the model. * ``'PATCH_SINGLE'`` or ``'PUT_SINGLE'`` for requests to patch a single instance of the model. * ``'PATCH_MANY'`` or ``'PUT_MANY'`` for requests to patch the entire collection of instances of the model. * ``'POST'`` for requests to post a new instance of the model. * ``'DELETE'`` for requests to delete an instance of the model. .. note:: Since :http:method:`put` requests are handled by the :http:method:`patch` handler, any preprocessors or postprocessors specified for the :http:method:`put` method will be applied on :http:method:`patch` requests *after* the preprocessors or postprocessors specified for the :http:method:`patch` method. The preprocessors and postprocessors for each type of request accept different arguments, but none of them has a return value (more specifically, any returned value is ignored). Preprocessors and postprocessors *modify their arguments in-place*. The arguments to the preprocessor and postprocessor functions will be provided as keyword arguments, so you should always add ``**kw`` as the final argument when defining a preprocessor or postprocessor function. This way, you can specify only the keyword arguments you need when defining your functions. .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 Functions provided as postprocessors for ``GET_MANY`` and ``PATCH_MANY`` requests receive the ``search_params`` keyword argument, so that both preprocessors and postprocessors have access to this information. * :http:method:`get` for a single instance:: def get_single_preprocessor(instance_id=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `instance_id`, the primary key of the instance of the model to get. """ pass def get_single_postprocessor(result=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `result`, which is the dictionary representation of the requested instance of the model. """ pass and for the collection:: def get_many_preprocessor(search_params=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `search_params`, which is a dictionary containing the search parameters for the request. """ pass def get_many_postprocessor(result=None, search_params=None, **kw): """Accepts two arguments, `result`, which is the dictionary representation of the JSON response which will be returned to the client, and `search_params`, which is a dictionary containing the search parameters for the request (that produced the specified `result`). """ pass * :http:method:`patch` (or :http:method:`put`) for a single instance:: def patch_single_preprocessor(instance_id=None, data=None, **kw): """Accepts two arguments, `instance_id`, the primary key of the instance of the model to patch, and `data`, the dictionary of fields to change on the instance. """ pass def patch_single_postprocessor(result=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `result`, which is the dictionary representation of the requested instance of the model. """ pass and for the collection:: def patch_many_preprocessor(search_params=None, data=None, **kw): """Accepts two arguments: `search_params`, which is a dictionary containing the search parameters for the request, and `data`, which is a dictionary representing the fields to change on the matching instances and the values to which they will be set. """ pass def patch_many_postprocessor(query=None, data=None, search_params=None, **kw): """Accepts three arguments: `query`, which is the SQLAlchemy query which was inferred from the search parameters in the query string, `data`, which is the dictionary representation of the JSON response which will be returned to the client, and `search_params`, which is a dictionary containing the search parameters for the request. """ pass * :http:method:`post`:: def post_preprocessor(data=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `data`, which is the dictionary of fields to set on the new instance of the model. """ pass def post_postprocessor(result=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `result`, which is the dictionary representation of the created instance of the model. """ pass * :http:method:`delete`:: def delete_preprocessor(instance_id=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `instance_id`, which is the primary key of the instance which will be deleted. """ pass def delete_postprocessor(was_deleted=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `was_deleted`, which represents whether the instance has been deleted. """ pass .. note:: For more information about search parameters, see :ref:`searchformat`, and for more information about request and response formats, see :ref:`requestformat`. In order to halt the preprocessing or postprocessing and return an error response directly to the client, your preprocessor or postprocessor functions can raise a :exc:`ProcessingException`. If a function raises this exception, no preprocessing or postprocessing functions that appear later in the list specified when the API was created will be invoked. For example, an authentication function can be implemented like this:: def check_auth(instance_id=None, **kw): # Here, get the current user from the session. current_user = ... # Next, check if the user is authorized to modify the specified # instance of the model. if not is_authorized_to_modify(current_user, instance_id): raise ProcessingException(description='Not Authorized', code=401) manager.create_api(Person, preprocessors=dict(GET_SINGLE=[check_auth])) The :exc:`ProcessingException` allows you to specify an HTTP status code for the generated response and an error message which the client will receive as part of the JSON in the body of the response. .. _universal: Universal preprocessors and postprocessors ------------------------------------------ .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 The previous section describes how to specify a preprocessor or postprocessor on a per-API (that is, a per-model) basis. If you want a function to be executed for *all* APIs created by a :class:`APIManager`, you can use the ``preprocessors`` or ``postprocessors`` keyword arguments in the constructor of the :class:`APIManager` class. These keyword arguments have the same format as the corresponding ones in the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method as described above. Functions specified in this way are prepended to the list of preprocessors or postprocessors specified in the :meth:`APIManager.create_api` method. This may be used, for example, if all :http:method:`post` requests require authentication:: from flask import Flask from flask.ext.restless import APIManager from flask.ext.restless import ProcessingException from flask.ext.login import current_user from mymodels import User from mymodels import session def auth_func(*args, **kw): if not current_user.is_authenticated(): raise ProcessingException(description='Not authenticated!', code=401) app = Flask(__name__) api_manager = APIManager(app, session=session, preprocessors=dict(POST=[auth_func])) api_manager.create_api(User) Preprocessors for collections ----------------------------- When the server receives, for example, a request for :http:get:`/api/person`, Flask-Restless interprets this request as a search with no filters (that is, a search for all instances of ``Person`` without exception). In other words, :http:get:`/api/person` is roughly equivalent to :http:get:`/api/person?q={}`. Therefore, if you want to filter the set of ``Person`` instances returned by such a request, you can create a preprocessor for a :http:method:`get` request to the collection endpoint that *appends filters* to the ``search_params`` keyword argument. For example:: def preprocessor(search_params=None, **kw): # This checks if the preprocessor function is being called before a # request that does not have search parameters. if search_params is None: return # Create the filter you wish to add; in this case, we include only # instances with ``id`` not equal to 1. filt = dict(name='id', op='neq', val=1) # Check if there are any filters there already. if 'filters' not in search_params: search_params['filters'] = [] # *Append* your filter to the list of filters. search_params['filters'].append(filt) apimanager.create_api(Person, preprocessors=dict(GET_MANY=[preprocessor])) Custom queries -------------- In cases where it is not possible to use preprocessors or postprocessors (:ref:`processors`) efficiently, you can provide a custom ``query`` attribute to your model instead. The attribute can either be a callable that returns a query:: class Person(Base): __tablename__ = 'person' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) @classmethod def query(cls): return get_query_for_current_user(cls) or a SQLAlchemy query expression:: class Person(Base): __tablename__ = 'person' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) query = get_some_query() .. _authentication: Requiring authentication for some methods ----------------------------------------- If you want certain HTTP methods to require authentication, use preprocessors:: from flask import Flask from flask.ext.restless import APIManager from flask.ext.restless import NO_CHANGE from flask.ext.restless import ProcessingException from flask.ext.login import current_user from mymodels import User def auth_func(*args, **kwargs): if not current_user.is_authenticated(): raise ProcessingException(description='Not authenticated!', code=401) return True app = Flask(__name__) api_manager = APIManager(app) api_manager.create_api(User, preprocessors=dict(GET_SINGLE=[auth_func], GET_MANY=[auth_func])) For a more complete example using `Flask-Login `_, see the :file:`examples/server_configurations/authentication` directory in the source distribution, or view it online at `GitHub `_. Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) --------------------------------------------- `Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) `_ is a protocol that allows JavaScript HTTP clients to make HTTP requests across Internet domain boundaries while still protecting against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. If you have access to the HTTP server that serves your Flask application, I recommend configuring CORS there, since such concerns are beyond the scope of Flask-Restless. However, in case you need to support CORS at the application level, you should create a function that adds the necessary HTTP headers after the request has been processed by Flask-Restless (that is, just before the HTTP response is sent from the server to the client) using the :meth:`flask.Blueprint.after_request` method:: from flask import Flask from flask.ext.restless import APIManager def add_cors_headers(response): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = 'example.com' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' # Set whatever other headers you like... return response app = Flask(__name__) manager = APIManager(app) blueprint = manager.create_api(Person) blueprint.after_request(add_cors_headers)