Requests and responses ====================== Requests and responses are all in the JSON API format, so each request must include an :http:header:`Accept` header whose value is :mimetype:`application/vnd.api+json` and any request that contains content must include a :http:header:`Content-Type` header whose value is :mimetype:`application/vnd.api+json`. If they do not, the client will receive an error response. This section of the documentation assumes some familiarity with the JSON API specification. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 fetching creating deleting updating updatingrelationships Schema at root endpoint ----------------------- A :http:method:`GET` request to the root endpoint responds with a valid JSON API document whose ``meta`` element contains a ``modelinfo`` object, which itself contains one member for each resource object exposed by the API. Each element in ``modelinfo`` contains information about that resource. For example, a request like .. sourcecode:: http GET /api HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/vnd.api+json yields the response .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json { "data": null, "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" }, "included": [], "links": {}, "meta": { "modelinfo": { "article": { "primarykey": "id", "url": "" }, "person": { "primarykey": "id", "url": "" } } } } .. _idstring: Resource ID must be a string ---------------------------- As required by the JSON API, the ID (and type) of a resource must be a string in request and response documents. This does *not* mean that the primary key in the database must be a string, only that it will appear as a string in communications between the client and the server. For more information, see the `Identification`_ section of the JSON API specification. .. _Identification: .. _slashes: Trailing slashes in URLs ------------------------ API endpoints do not have trailing slashes. A :http:method:`get` request to, for example, ``/api/person/`` will result in a :http:statuscode:`404` response. .. _dateandtime: Date and time fields -------------------- Flask-Restless will automatically parse and convert date and time strings into the corresponding Python objects. Flask-Restless also understands intervals (also known as *durations*), if you specify the interval as an integer representing the number of units that the interval spans. If you want the server to set the value of a date or time field of a model as the current time (as measured at the server), use one of the special strings ``"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"``, ``"CURRENT_DATE"``, or ``"LOCALTIMESTAMP"``. When the server receives one of these strings in a request, it will use the corresponding SQL function to set the date or time of the field in the model. .. _errors: Errors and error messages ------------------------- Flask-Restless returns the error responses required by the JSON API specification, and most other server errors yield a :http:statuscode:`400`. Errors are included in the ``errors`` element in the top-level JSON document in the response body. If a request triggers a :exc:`sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError` (or any subclass of that exception, including :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.DataError`, :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError`, :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError`, etc.), the session will be rolled back .. _jsonp: JSONP callbacks --------------- Flask-Restless responds to JavaScript clients that request JSONP responses. Add a ``callback=myfunc`` query parameter to the request URL on any request that yields a response that contains content (including endpoints for function evaluation; see :doc:`functionevaluation`) to have the JSON data of the response wrapped in the Javascript function ``myfunc``. This can be used to circumvent some cross domain scripting security issues. The :http:header:`Content-Type` of a JSONP response is :mimetype:`application/javascript` instead of :mimetype:`application/vnd.api+json` because the payload of such a response is not valid JSON API. For example, a request like this: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/person/1?callback=foo HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/vnd.api+json will produce a response like this: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/javascript foo({"meta": {/*...*/}, "data": {/*...*/}}) Then in your Javascript client code, write the function ``foo`` like this: .. sourcecode:: javascript function foo(response) { var meta, data; meta = response.meta; data =; // Do something cool here... } .. COMMENT The metadata includes the status code and the values of the HTTP headers, including the `Link headers `_ parsed in JSON format. For example, a link that looks like this: .. This is adapted from the GitHub API documentation; see .. for more information. .. sourcecode:: http Link: ; rel="next", ; rel="foo"; bar="baz" will look like this in the JSON metadata: .. sourcecode:: javascript [ {"url": "url1", "rel": "next"}, {"url": "url2", "rel": "foo", "bar": "baz"} ] JSON API extensions ------------------- Flask-Restless does not yet support the in-development `JSON API extension system`_. .. _JSON API extension system: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ------------------------------------ `Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)`_ is a protocol that allows JavaScript HTTP clients to make HTTP requests across Internet domain boundaries while still protecting against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. If you have access to the HTTP server that serves your Flask application, I recommend configuring CORS there, since such concerns are beyond the scope of Flask-Restless. However, in case you need to support CORS at the application level, you should create a function that adds the necessary HTTP headers after the request has been processed by Flask-Restless (that is, just before the HTTP response is sent from the server to the client) using the :meth:`flask.Blueprint.after_request` method:: from flask import Flask from flask_restless import APIManager def add_cors_headers(response): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true' # Set whatever other headers you like... return response app = Flask(__name__) manager = APIManager(app) blueprint = manager.create_api_blueprint('mypersonapi', Person) blueprint.after_request(add_cors_headers) app.register_blueprint(blueprint) .. _Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS):